我在 这篇文章中提到 ,加拿大的 Wenbin Yang 在我发出动议要求确认电子传票有效之后,递交了一份QUASH SERVICE OF SUMMONS 的动议。看罢,我不禁哑然失笑。 iMan 是强烈要求到加州跟我打官司的,他要撰写英文诽谤文(诽谤性英文标题略), 【 进入美国法律大厦PACER,跟克伦斯·达娄这些美国历史上著名的大律师一起与世长存 。】 我有两天忙没有理他,他破口大骂之余,向我喊话到: 【 你还是尽快把诉状递上来吧。。。。本来也想顺便去加州玩玩的呢,有你资助,何乐不为 。 】(这里省去许多暴力威胁性言论)。类似的话他在各网站大量散发。 这对我而言出现了一个艰难的抉择。 我虽然不是律师,但好歹上过 ABC 全国电视; iMan不过是 新语丝被方舟子封杀流窜出来的一个痞子 ,他现在声称要来加州跟我打官司、在美国法律界扬名立万 ,我起诉他“老人家”对他的在网上追求存在感来说当然是非常有利的; 而且在美国起诉一个加拿大的人士要困难一些。 谁赢了他,也不过是赢了一个网络流痞;他就算输了,也实现了他留名美国法院的人生目标。 这么说来,起诉 iMan 相对费力而且对我没有任何正面的好处,但对于 iMan 倒可能是求之不得的好事。 但如果我不起诉他,那么他的种种基于谎言的诽谤言论就会成为被默认的事实,他可以在他的余生拿着这些谎言在网上到处散发,我只要出现在网上,他就可以跟去闹,我就是从此躲起来、消失于网络,他也可以肆无忌惮的到处散布其谎言。我如果不起诉 iMan,对我损害极大。 从社会效应来说,起诉 iMan 对普及法治观念以及网络文明是有正面效果的;而任其诽谤, 对类似 iMan 的行为是一种纵容与助长;网上不学好、易学坏的人不少 --- 湾外默默赞许其流痞言论、跟在他帖子后面起哄、成为他的粉丝、是非不分为他效忠的伪善者不一而足。 经过 这一系列得失的权衡,我最终艰难地选择了依法维权,选择了起诉。 起诉的对象是杨文彬。我的状纸中对杨文彬的背景介绍是这么写道:【 On information and belief, Yang had college education from Nanjing Chemical Engineering College, Nanjing, China (Chinese: 南京化工学院 ) . He studied as a graduate student in the 1990s at the University of Paderborn in Germany, where he graduated in 1999. No scholarly papers can be found to be authored by Defendant Yang in leading western research journals.... In September 2013, Defendant Yang registered on ZZB as "iMan". Immediately, iMan engaged in wide ranging attacks on other persons on ZZB, often using sexually explicit, violent and insulting language. Acting as the administrator of ZZB, Plaintiff repeatedly deleted iMan's offending posts, and repeatedly augmented the rules of the ZZB to prohibit various expletives, language of bodily violence, and other abuses which ZZB had not foreseen but made necessary by Yang's abusive postings.... On information and belief, prior to Defendant Yang's appearance on ZZB, he was an active poster on the website XYS.ORG ("XYS"), originally with the online identity JFF, whose real identity was later published by the operator of XYS and republished elsewhere on the internet in 2011. While at XYS, Yang gained notoriety for his indecent and obscene language, often making sexual insults on female users and others' female family members. On ZZB and other web sites, Yang's verbal abuses continued and intensified, but English translations of Yang's depraved messages would be too indecent to be included here. Because of Defendant Yang's indecent and violent postings, he was repeatedly banned by ZZB and other websites, yet he kept coming back with more offensive postings. 】(注意这里只是背景,而不是诽谤内容,网上暴力下流语言的民事责任可能是精神伤害,诽谤必须包含虚假事实)。 读者们马上会冒出一个问题,网上诽谤者是 IMAN(及其马甲), 你起诉杨文彬并且说他是IMAN 。这个在法律上是怎么回事? 有一个现象,翰山案的起诉书我公布了。公布之后,那些原来喜欢就翰山案大发高论的人们似乎都不再发表高论。但似乎奇怪的是,针对杨文彬诽谤的起诉书我没有公布,其诽谤的具体证据也就没有公开。GAOGAO HAN 的被公布,杨文彬的没有,这个差别是为什么呢? 被告杨文彬在其给法院的 MOTION TO QUASH 中写道,原告起诉的实际是iMan, 但他不能确认自己是 iMan ( ” the current Defendant Wenbin Yang is unable to confirm that if he is the right and proper party to be named in this suit ")。 这些问题,我会在回应杨文彬的 QUASH 动议时解答,现在留给大家思考好了。 附件:杨文彬给法院的证词
接到朋友转来的这个故事,笑得泪都出来了。 因为儿童不宜,一直斗争着,不知该不该放上来。 终于,连咬牙、带跺脚地决定豁出去一把...... 友情提醒:笑死活人不偿命!!! 一对80多岁的佛罗里达老两口,相偕着来到性健康咨询诊所。 医生招呼:“有什么需要帮忙的吗?” 老汉说:“您能观看我们行房吗?” 医生扬起眉毛对这对老人家的性咨询要求表示惊奇,但还是同意了。 当这对老人结束后,医生表示:“你们的表现没有任何问题。” 医生感谢他们来问诊,收了他们$50美金,便道别了。 第二个星期,老两口又来了,重复了前次的要求,疑惑不解的医生犹疑着,还是同意了。 如此这般,重复了若干星期:老两口约诊、前来、行房、没发现问题、付了诊金、告辞。 三个月后,医生终于按捺不住好奇,问老人家:“很抱歉,可我不得不了解下,您到底想发现什么问题?” 老汉回答:“我什么问题都不打算查。她是有夫之妇,我是有妇之夫。既不能去她家,也不能到我家。假日酒店收$98,希尔顿酒店收$139。到您这儿来只付$50,老人保险还能退还我$43。” ............ A Florida couple, both well into their 80s, go to a sex therapist's office. The doctor asks, 'What can I do for you?' The man says, 'Will you watch us have sexual intercourse?' The doctor raises both eyebrows, but he is so amazed that such anelderly couple is asking for sexual advice that he agrees. When the couple finishes, the doctor says, 'There's absolutely nothing wrong with the way you have intercourse.' He thanks them for coming, he wishes them good luck, he charges them $50 and he says good bye. The next week, the same couple returns and asks the sex therapist to watch again. The sex therapist is a bit puzzled, but agrees. This happens several weeks in a row. The couple makes an appointment, has intercourse with no problems, pays the doctor, then leave. Finally, after 3 months of this routine, the doctor says, 'I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Just what are you trying to find out?' The man says, 'We're not trying to find out anything.She's married so we can't go to her house.I'm married and we can't go to my house.The Holiday Inn charges $98.The Hilton charges $139.We do it here for $50, and I get $43 back from Medicare.