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分享 【八一征文】爱弃皆随心
热度 19 清风摇翠 2012-8-11 11:04
http://www.tefl.ruc.edu.cn/songs/21-100/Because%20You%20Loved%20Me.mp3 爱弃皆随心 --水瓶座女子 这篇不忽悠了,不过,我的那段初恋故事纠葛太多,以同情开始以不屑结束的初恋故事,可以写篇小说了。如果以初恋故事做为我参加的八一比武的结束,我似有些不甘心,就写写身为水瓶座女子的爱情观吧。 我是个典型的瓶子性格,喜欢就喜欢了,不喜欢转身就走,很少去纠缠,也不喜被纠缠。星座寄语中说:水瓶座的女子感情丰富,重视友情,在与人交往的时候,会注意对方的立场、个性及健康状态,总是尽量使对方感到自由自在。同时,自己也能随时保持自由的心情。 另一方面,作为一个血管里流淌着 O型血的我又是名现实主义者,喜欢秉持着“实事求是”的原则,以理性来约束自己的言行举止。 在星座寄语中: O型水瓶座的人,性格十分爽朗,又因为个性圆滑 (翠评:俺圆滑吗?), 天生有关心别人的特征 (翠语:这点到是,似乎是很自然地就关心了), 所以很少和人发生格格不入的情形,人缘甚佳,能很容易以自然的态度跟人交往( )。此类型的人,对真实的敏感度极强,所以能表现出较独特的气质,对于各种不同的人,O型水瓶座的人都能与之坦诚相交,轻松自在 (翠评:但是,这一切是有着一个前提的,即O型水瓶座的人愿意这样做的时候。当他们不愿意这般做的时候,水瓶座的人就会是一群有着讨厌个性的人,他们会毫不犹豫地转身离去)。 星座寄语中又说:水瓶座女性坚持追求自由。 她好像可以属于社会上任何一个族群,但又不真正属于任何族群。 她属于她自己,似乎没有人可以完全占有她,但她也从来不会霸道的想要占有别人。对许多水瓶座女性来说,人生都是一场无尽的探索。 瓶座女性几乎都不是“金钱主义者”,她要寻找的是有智慧,有胸襟,可以陪她追寻“天地大道”的男人。 一般来说,水瓶座女性拥有自己的道德法则,同时也尊重别人的不同法则。水瓶座女子的好奇心强,喜欢去探索让她不了解的事物,而且常常把强烈的愿望和独立精神融合在一起。在感情上水瓶座的女子容易走极端,可以有一颗最纯洁的心、最理想的爱情,也可以变得完全冷漠无情。所以,如果与水瓶座的女子相恋的话,一定不要使她失望,否则将无法挽回地失去她。不过,一旦她真正发现了自己的爱,那么她会把自己全部的智慧、全部的真诚和自己所拥有的一切都毫无保留地献给自己所热爱的人。瓶子的爱情生活是浪漫的,她希望在友谊的基础上去发展永恒持久的爱情关系。 对于水瓶座的女性而言,“跟着感觉走”是她们的感情准则,爱弃皆随心。 备注:歌曲是 Celine Dion 的《Because You Loved Me》 for all those times you stood by me for all the truth that you made me see for all the joy you brought into my life for all the wrong that you made right for every dream you made come true for all the love i found in you i'll be forever thankful baby you're the one who held me up and never let me fall you're the one who saw me through through it all you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i am because you loved me you gave me wings and made me fly you touched my hand i could touch the sky i lost my faith, you gave it back to me you said no star was out of reach you stood by me and i stood tall i had your love i had it all i'm grateful for each day you gave me maybe i don't know that much but i know this much is true i was blessed because i was loved by you you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i am because you loved me you were always there for me the tender wind that carried me a light in the dark shining your love into my life you've been my inspiration through the lies you were the truth my world is a better place because of you you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i am because you loved me you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i am because you loved me i'm everything i am because you loved me
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