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分享 国家科研和政府扶植资金要规范化
稻草 2016-7-29 08:32
国家现在有两部分资金没有规范,没有发挥出效率。一是科研资金。二是各级政府部门的扶植资金。 正因为没有规范化,因此才出现各种怪现象。1、科研投入大,效果不佳,成果很少。国家每年投入上万亿,没有取得预期效果。2、科研项目资金相当于白给, 国家 也没有回报的方式。3、扶植企业的资金也没有得到回报。联想、华为、华大基因等国家投入了科研资金,只说是科委的项目投入,但没有得到资金的任何回报,政府的钱 白花了 。4、各级政府扶植企业的钱,也没有一个回报的机制,基本是白给,名义上是扶植企业发展,增加税收。这实际是两回事,资金的投入是要有说法的,要有回报,税收是另一回事,是企业发展的事。5、这种白给的方式给整个社会造成了不公平,包括经济与政治等的不公平、不公正,对社会是一种负能量。 怎么规范呢?就是规范投入的方式。 一是以贷款形式投入。 二是以债券投入。 三是以风险资金投入。 四是以股权投入。 ......
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分享 政府部门应该坚决打击互联网垄断行为
热度 1 稻草 2015-11-10 11:23
BAT(阿里、百度、腾讯)和各大互联网巨头纷纷发起并购,大有吞并中国互联网的势头,而中国政府还在萌萌哒,以为这是发展。实际上,这是一种严重的阻碍互联网发展的垄断行为。 例如,阿里不但打压竞争对手,还通过收购B2B,OTO软件企业,让创业者无路可走,严重阻碍互联网的技术创新!百度、腾讯也莫不如此。 资本的最高境界就是垄断,最近的阿里一连串收购,就显示了其魔鬼兽性这一点。面对如此的疯狂的摧残行业的行为,政府却毫无作为,这实在是令人费解。
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分享 德不孤,必有邻
热度 4 晓亮 2015-5-26 00:07
9983 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 13岁女孩帮父亲讨薪跳楼身亡(现场照片)
热度 1 稻草 2015-1-19 17:49
  新京报快讯(见习记者 鲁千国)今日(1月19日)13时许,在河北冀州一处新建楼盘,一名13岁女孩帮父亲讨薪时,从16层跳下,随后被送往冀州市医院。17时许,家属称,女孩已经死亡。   据现场目击者称,今日中午,冀州市凯隆御景工地有农民工讨要工钱。有人发现一女孩和一位老人爬上一幢高层建筑的16层,马上了报警,随后消防官兵赶到,在底商楼顶放置充气垫。   一名在现场讨要工钱的农民工称,跳楼的小女孩是他们包工头的女儿小梦(化名),今年13岁,正在读初中。可能是看到父亲讨薪困难,于是和奶奶爬上了高楼,希望帮父亲讨到工人工资。   现场图片显示,在底商楼顶在气垫旁,一名女孩倒地,头部有血迹,旁边有消防人员和医护人员正在工作。   农民工冉先生称,工人们都不知道小梦和她奶奶何时爬到了高楼上,以为只是吓唬下一开发商,没想到真的跳了下来。冉先生称,女孩的奶奶被带下楼,得知孙女跳楼后休克,目前仍在抢救。   “2012年开始我们在这里做工,但工钱一直不给,我们已经讨要了很长时间。”一名农民工告诉新京报记者,开发商和工程承包商都不给钱,农民工们也去找过政府部门,但始终无果,无奈来到工地讨要工钱,“谁都不知道小梦和她奶奶什么时候爬到楼上。”   16时许,冀州市医院急诊科的工作人员称,抢救仍在进行。17时许,家属称,女孩已死亡。
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分享 菲律宾政府部门联系方式
热度 1 新闻速递 2013-5-12 03:09
国家号: +63; 马尼拉区号:2 EXECUTIVE OFFICES Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa Jr. Tel.: loc. 789 Fax: 733-3676 Cabinet Secretary Jose Rene D. Almendras Tel.: loc. 4974 Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda Tel.: 733-3605 Fax: 735-6167 Twitter: @dawende Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Eduardo V. De Mesa Tel.: 734-7478 loc. 4926 Fax: 735-0821 TF Political Adviser on Political Affairs Ronaldo M. Llamas Tel.: loc 4360; 4332; 4334 Presidential Adviser on Military Affairs Danilo M. Cortez Tel.: 736-1036; 733-3656 Fax: 736-1056 TF Presidential Assistant II, Climate Change Elisea G. Gozun Tel.: loc. 4939 Fax: 4839 4705 Presidential Adviser on Economic Empowerment of the Rural Poor Jaime Aristotle M. Alip Presidential Assistant I/Acting LWUA Chairman Rene C. Villa Tel.: 927-7390 DEPUTY EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES Deputy Executive Secretary of Finance and Administration Nora C. Oliveros Tel.: loc. 4917/4226 Fax: 736-1095 Deputy Executive Secretary of Legal Affairs Michael G. Aguinaldo Tel.: loc. 4906 Fax: 733-3920 Deputy Executive Secretary of General Administration and OIC DESGA office Teofilo S. Pilando Jr. Tel.: loc. 4923/4933 Fax: 735-7727 TF Email: tpilando@malacañang.gov.ph Deputy Executive Secretary of Internal Audit Alberto A. Bernardo Tel.: loc. 4913 Fax: 736-1145 Email: aabernardo@malacañang.gov.ph APPOINTMENTS OFFICE Undersecretary/Appointments Secretary Rochelle R. Ahorro Tel.: 733-3010; 784-4286 Email:appoinmentsop@gmail.com Director IV Jo Anne Haber Tel.: 733-3010 Director IV Cristina S. J. Villarica Tel.: 733-3010 UNDERSECRETARIES/ASSISTANT SECRETARIES Chief of Presidential Protocol Celia Anna M. Feria Tel.: 735-8010 Fax: 735-6152 TF Undersecretary Mary Antoniette Lucille P. Ortile Tel.: 784-4286 Email: lportile@malacañang.gov.ph Undersecretary/Head of Internal House Affairs Office Ma. Lourdes A. Ong Telefax: 559-8349 Fax: 516-7793 Undersecretary Michael Frederick D. L. Musngi Tel.: loc. 4465/4425 TF Email: mikemusngi@malacañang.gov.ph Undersecretary, Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs (ODESLA) Ronald A. Geron Tel.: loc. 4806/4937 Email: rgeron@malacañang.gov.ph Undersecretary Nabil A. Tan Tel.: 784-4286 Email: sjvalencia@malacañang.gov.ph Undersecretary Reynaldo P. Cruz Tel.: loc. 4622 Fax: 733-7636 Email: reycruz@malacañang.gov.ph Undersecretary Christian M. Castillo Tel.: 734-7478 Fax: 735-0821 TF Undersecretary, Office of Political Affairs (OPA) Jose Luis Martin C. Gascon Tel.: loc. 4360; 4332; 4334 Undersecretary, Office of Political Affairs (OPA) Ibarra M. Gutierrez Tel.: loc. 4360; 4332; 4334 Undersecretary, Office of Political Affairs (OPA) Vivencio B. Dizon Tel.: loc. 4360; 4332; 4334 Deputy Spokesperson Abigail D. F. Valte Tel.: 733-3611 Fax: 735-6167 Twitter: @Abi_Valte Deputy Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Eloisa D. V. Sy Tel.: 734-7478 Fax: 735-0821 TF Assistant Executive Secretary Lynn D. Moreno Tel.: loc. 4914/4715 F Email: lynndmoreno@malacañang.gov.ph Assistant Executive Secretary Ericson A. Alcovendraz Tel.: loc. 4917/4878 Fax: 736-1095 Assistant Executive Secretary Reynaldo C. Delantar Jr. Tel.: 733-3010 Assistant Executive Secretary Michael Victor N. Alimurung Tel.: loc. 4924/4797 F Assistant Executive Secretary Susan D. Reyes Tel.: 735-6025; 736-0195 Assistant Executive Secretary Ma. Isabel S. Javier Tel.: loc. 4686/4621 Fax: 733-8672 Assistant Executive Secretary Jan Mikael DL. Co Tel.: loc. 4905 Assistant Secretary Maria Carmen G. Mislang Tel.: 733-3611 Fax: 735-6167 Assistant Secretary Jose Emmanuel David M. Eva III Tel.: loc. 4611; 733-7472 Email: jedeva@malacañang.gov.ph Assistant Secretary Noel B. Damot Tel.: 734-7478 Fax: 735-0821 TF Email: nbdamot@malacañang.gov.ph Assistant Secretary William M. Varias Tel.: 734-7478 Fax: 735-0821 TF Email: wmvarias@malacañang.gov.ph Assistant Secretary Michael P. Ong Tel.: 734-7478 Fax: 735-0821 TF Assistant Secretary Jose Emmanuel B. Escaro Tel.: loc. 4360; 4332; 4334 Assistant Secretary Rolando L. Cucio Tel.: loc. 4360; 4332; 4334 Assistant Secretary Rafael P. Albert Tel.: loc. 4360; 4332; 4334 Assistant Secretary Ernesto M. Ramel Jr. Tel.: loc. 4360; 4332; 4334 ATTACHED AGENCIES President and CEO Felipe Antonio B. Remollo CLARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Bldg. 2122 E. Quirino St. cor. C. P. Garcia St., Clark Freeport Zone, Philippines Tel.: (045) 599-2092 Fax: 599-2507 Chairman Gregory L. Domingo COMMITTEE ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS DTI Bldg., Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 895-3575 / 897-6734 Fax: 896-1166 Chairman Amadeo R. Perez Jr. MANILA ECONOMIC CULTURAL OFFICE 7/F Trafalgar Plaza 105 H. V. dela Costa St., Salcedo Village, Makati City Tel.: 848-3796 Fax: 848-3799 Chairman Francis N. Tolentino METROPOLITAN MANILA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MMDA Bldg., EDSA cor. Orense St., Guadalupe, Makati City Tel.: 882-0854; 882-0893; 882-0871; 882-2646 OIC-Executive Director Emelita C. Aguinaldo NATIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION 2/F HRD Bldg., DENR Compound, Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City Tel.: 920-2279 Fax: 920-2252 Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Teresita Q. Deles OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ADVISER ON THE PEACE PROCESS 7/F Agustin 1 Bldg., Emerald Avenue, Ortigas Complex, Pasig City Tel.: 637-6083; 636-0701 TL Fax: 638-2216 Regina Paz L. Lopez PASIG RIVER REHABILITATION COMMISSION 5/F Triumph Bldg., 1610 Quezon Ave., Quezon City Tel.: 926-5232; 926-6449; 926-5234; 926-6445 Executive Director Felizardo M. Serapio Jr. PHILIPPINE CENTER ON TRANSNATIONAL CRIME Camp Crame, Quezon City Tel.: 724-2362/724-8775 Fax: 721-3065 TF Executive Director Edilberto P. Adan PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION ON VISITING FORCES AGREEMENT DFA Bldg., Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City Tel.: 834-3898 Fax: 832-6198 Department of Foreign Affairs Department of Foreign Affairs DFA Bldg., 2330 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City 834-4000 Trunkline Website: www.dfa.gov.ph Secretary Albert F. del Rosario 11/F DFA Building,Roxas Blvd. Pasay City Tel.: 834-7374; 832-1597 F Email: osec@dfa.gov.ph Chief Coordinator Cecilia B. Rebong Tel.: 834-3003; 834-4015; 832-1597 F Email:osec@dfa.gov.ph Undersecretary of Administration Rafael E. Seguis Tel.: 832-3353; 833-3035;834-3050; 8343012 Fax: 831-9584; 551-5976 Email:oua@dfa.gov.ph Undersecretary of International Economic Relations (OUIER) Laura Q. Del Rosario Tel.: 832-3312; 834-3004; 834-1451 F Email: ouier@dfa.gov.ph Undersecretary of Migrant Workers’ Affairs (OUMWA) Jesus I. Yabes Tel.: 832-1672; 834-4449; 551-0847 F Email:oumwa@dfa.gov.ph Undersecretary of Policy (OUP) Erlinda F. Basilio Tel.: 551-6182; 834-4037 Email:oup@dfa.gov.ph; oup.dfa@gmail.com Undersecretary of Special and Ocean Concerns (OUSOC) Jose S. Brillantes Tel.: 834-3081; 834-4936 Fax: 833-1626; 832-8364 Email:ousuc@dfa.gov.ph; dfaousoc@dfa.gov.ph Chairman, Overseas Absentee Voting Secretariat (OAVS) Tel.: 834-4361 Email:secretariat.oav@yahoo.com Assistant Secretary of Internal Audit Services (IAS) Mary Jo B. Aragon Tel.: 834-7000 Email:ias@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Department Legislative Liaison Unit (DLLU) Victoriano M. Lecaros Tel.: 551-3126; 834-4203; 831-9106 F Email:dllu@dfa.gov.ph Director, CORATEL/MIS Tel.: 834-3161; 834-3388 Email:cmisd@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Strategic Policy Planning and Coordination (OSPPC) Alejandrino A. Vicente Tel.: 834-4328 Email: osppc@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Ocean Concerns Office (OCO) Gilberto G. B. Asuque Tel.: 834-3081 Email:oco@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of American Affairs (OAA) Carlos D. Sorreta Tel.: 831-0141; 834-4644; 831-8894 F Email:oaa@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of ASEAN Affairs (ASEAN) Teresita G. Barsana Tel.: 834-7127; 831-8951; 832-1667 F Email: asean@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Asia and Pacific Affairs (ASPAC) Ma. Theresa P. Lazaro Tel.: 834-4776; 833-1136 F Email:aspac@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Consular Affairs (OCA) Jaime Victor B. Ledda Tel.: 836-7745; 832-1164 Email:oca.asec@gmail.com Assistant Secretary of European Affairs (OEA) Elizabeth P. Buensuceso Tel.: 831-8906; 834-3194; 831-4422 F Email:oea@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Fiscal Management (OFM) Domingo P. Nolasco Tel.: 834-3649 Email: ofm@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Legal Affairs (OLA) Irene Susan B. Natividad Tel.: 831-8890; 834-3836; 832-5339 F Email:ola@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Middle East and African Affairs (OMEAA) Petronila P. Garcia Tel.: 551-5314 DL; 834-4146; 551-6879 F Email:omeaa@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Personnel and Administrative Services (OPAS) Melita S. Sta. Maria-Thomeczek Tel.: 834-7171; 834-4105; 832-3264 F Email:opas@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of Protocol (OP) Wilfredo R. Cuyugan Tel.: 834-3396 Email:protocol@dfa.gov.ph Assistant Secretary of United Nations and Other International Organizations (UNIO) Eduardo Martin R. Meñez Tel.: 834-3094; 834-4890; 833-1322 F Email:unio@dfa.gov.ph Spokesperson / Head of Public Information Services Unit (PISU) Raul S. Hernandez Tel.:843-3828;834-4483;832-1508;832-3307 F Email:pisu@dfa.gov.ph Director,Foreign Service Institute (FSI) Ma. Angelina M. Sta. Catalina Tel.:831-4981;831-5983 F Email:fsi@dfa.gov.ph Chair-Alternate, Technical Cooperation Council of the Philippines (TCCP) Jose Maria A. Cariño Tel.:834-3179;834-3945;834-3129 F Email:tccp@dfa.gov.ph;tccpdfa@yahoo.com Secretary General, UNESCO National Commission of thePhilippines Secretariat Virginia A. Miralao Tel.:834-4844;834-3447 Email: unescoph@mozcom.com ;unescoph@dfa.gov.ph ATTACHED AGENCIES Acting Director, Foreign Service Institute Laura Q. Del Rosario DFA Bldg., Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Tel.: 831-5983 F Email: fsi.dfa@gmail.com Alternate Chair, Technical Cooperation Council of the Philippines Jose Maria A. Carino DFA Building, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Tel.: 834-4177 F Email:tccp@dfa.gov.ph Secretary-General, UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines Secretariat DFA Building, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Tel.: 834-3447; 834-4844 PHILIPPINE FOREIGN SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS/POSTS Ambassador, Argentina, Buenos Aires Rey A. Carandang Tel.: (+5411) 4782-4752; 4788-9692 F Email: pheba@fibertel.com.ar Website: www.embafil.com.ar Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Australia, Canberra Mary Anne A. Padua Tel.: (+612) 6273-2535; 6273-3984 F Email: cbrpe@philembassy.org.au Website: www.philembassy.org.au Ambassador, Austria, Vienna Lourdes O. Yparraguirre Tel.: (+431) 533-2401; 533-2401/24 F Email: office@philippine-embassy.at Website: www.philippine-embassy.at Ambassador, Kingdom of Bahrain, Manama Corazon Yap-Bahjin Tel.: (+973) 1725-0990; 1725-8583 F Email: manamape@batelco.com.bh Website: www.philembassy-bahrain.org Ambassador, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka Bahnarim A. Guinomla Tel.: (+8802) 988-1590; 882-3686 F Email: philemb2@aknetbd.com Website: www.philembassydhaka.org Ambassador, Belgium, Brussels Enrique A. Manalo Tel.: (+322) 340-3377; 345-6425 F Email: brusselspe@gmail.com Website: www.philembassy.be Ambassador, Brazil, Brasilia Eva G. Betita Tel.: (+5561) 3224-8694; 3226-7411 F Email: brasiliaemb@yahoo.com Ambassador, Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan Nestor Z. Ochoa Tel.: (+673) 224-1465; 223-7707 F Email: bruneipe@gmail.com Website: www.philippineembassybrunei.net Ambassador, Kingdom of Cambodia, Phnom Penh Noe A. Wong Tel.: (+855-23) 222-203; 215-143 F Email: phnompenhpe@ezecom.com.kh Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Canada, Ottawa Minerva Jean A. Falcon Tel.: (+613) 233-1121; 233-4165 F Email: embassyofphilippines@rogers.com Website: www.philembassy-ottawa.com Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Chile, Santiago Ma. Consuelo Puyat-Reyes Tel.: (+562) 208-1313; 208-1400 F Email: embassyphil@vtr.net Charge d’ Affaires a.i., People’s Republic of China, Beijing Alex G. Chua Tel.: (+8610) 6532-2518; 6532-3761 F Email: beijing.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassychina.org Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Cuba, Havana Wilfredo D. L. Maximo Tel.: (+537) 204-1372/1551; 204-2915 F Email: philhavpe@enet.cu Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Czech Republic, Prague Mersole J. Mellejor Tel.: (+420) 224-216-397; 224-216390 F Email: praguepe@gmail.com Website: www.praguepe.cz Ambassador, Damascus , West Mezzeh Area Wilfredo R. Cuyugan Tel.: (+96311) 613-2626; 611-0152 F Charge d’ Affaires, a.i., Arab Republic of Egypt, Cairo Renato N. Dueñas Jr. Tel.: (+202) 2521-3062; 2521-3048 F Email: cairope@tedata.net.eg Ambassador, Finland, Helsinki Ma. Angelina M. Sta. Catalina Tel.: (+3580) 925166320; 925166180 Email: admin@helsinkipe.org Ambassador, France, Paris Cristina G. Ortega Tel.: (+331) 4414-5700; 4647-5600 F Email: ambaphilparis@wanadoo.fr Website: www.philembassyparis.com Charge d’ Affaires, a.i., Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin Leah B. Ruiz Tel.: (+49-(0)30) 864-9500; 873-2551 F Email: berlin.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philippine-embassy.de Charge d’ Affaires, a.i., Greece, Athens Constancio Vingno Jr. Tel.: (+30210) 672-1883; 672-1872 F Email: athens.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, Hungary, Budapest Monina Estrella Callangan-Rueca Tel.: (+36-1) 391-4300; 200-5528 F Email:consular.ph@mail.datanet.hu Ambassador, India, New Delhi Ronald B. Allarey Tel.: (+9111) 2688-9091; 2687-6401 F Email: newdelhipe@bol.net.in Website: www.newdelhipe.com Ambassador, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta Ma. Rosario C. Aguinaldo Tel.: (+6221) 310-0334; 315-1167 F Email: phjkt@indo.net.id Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Iran, Tehran Mariano A. Dumia Tel.: (+9821) 2266-8774; 2266-8990 F Email: tehranpe@yahoo.com Website: www.philippine-embassy.ir Ambassador, Iraq, Baghdad Bayani V. Mangibin Tel.: (+9641) 778-2247; (+9626) 592-4083 F Email: baghdadpe@gmx.com Ambassador, Ireland, Dublin 2 Ariel Y. Abadilla Tel.: (+353 1) 640-1946; 640-1945 F Email: dublin.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, Israel, Tel-Aviv Petronila P. Garcia Tel.: (+9723) 601-0500; 604-1038 F Email: filembis@netvision.net.il Website: www.philembtelaviv.co.il Ambassador, Italy, Holy See (Vatican) Merceditas Reinares-Arrasita Tuason Tel.: (+39-06) 683-8020; 683-4076 F Email: embholysee@philvatican.it Ambassador, Italy, Rome Romeo L. Manalo Tel.: (+3906) 3974-6621; 3974-0872 F Email: romepe2007@gmail.com Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Japan, Tokyo Manuel M. Lopez Tel.: (+813) 5562-1600; 5562-1603 F Email: tokyo.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.tokyo.philembassy.net Ambassador, Jordan, Amman Julius D. Torres Tel.: (+962-6) 592-3748; 592-3744 F Email: amman.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, Kenya, Nairobi Domingo D. Lucenario Jr. Tel.: (+254) 5180-13393; (+25420) 272-5316 F Email: nairobi.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.phil-embassy.or.ke Ambassador, Republic of Korea, Seoul Luis T. Cruz Tel.: (+822) 796-7387 to 89; 796-0827 F Email: seoul.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy-seoul.com Ambassador, State of Kuwait, Kuwait Shulan O. Primavera Tel.: (+965) 534-9099; 532-9319 F Email: kuwait.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassykuwait.gov.kw Ambassador, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Vientiane Marilyn J. Alarilla Tel.: (+85621) 452-490; 452-493 F Email: vientiane.pe@dfa.gov.ph Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Lebanon, Beirut Bernadette A. Mendoza Tel.: (+9611) 212-001 to 3; 212-004 F Email: beirutpe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, Libya, Tripoli Alejandrino A. Vicente Tel.: (+218) 918244208; (+21821) 484-1582 F Email: tripoli.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Victoriano M. Lecaros Tel.: (+603) 2148-4233; 2148-3576 F Email: kualalumpur.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassykl.org.my Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Mexico, Mexico Pedro C. Santizo Tel.: (+5255) 5202-8456; 5202-8403 F Email: ambamexi@gmail.com Ambassador, Union of Myanmar, Yangon Ma. Hellen M. Barber Tel.: (951) 558-149; 558-154 F Email: yangon.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy-yangon.com Ambassador, The Netherlands, The Hague Frank R. Cimafranca Tel.: (+3170) 360-4820; 356-0030 F Email: thehague.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy.nl Charge d’ Affaires a.i., New Zealand, Wellington Marcos A. S. Punsalang Tel.: (+644) 472-9848; 472-5170 F Email: embassy@wellington-pe.co.nz Website: www.philembassy.org.nz Ambassador, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Abuja Nestor N. Padalhin Tel.: (+234) 8051752187 Email: abuja_pe@yahoo.co.uk Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Norway, Oslo Evelyn Austria Garcia Tel.: (+47) 224-00900; 2241-7401 F Email: oslo.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy.no Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Sultanate of Oman, Muscat Lamberto V. Monsanto Tel.: (+96824) 605-140; 605-176 F Email: muscat.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, Pakistan, Islamabad Jesus I. Yabes Tel.: (+9251) 265-3661; 265-3665 F Email: isdpe@isb.comsats.net.pk Website: www.isdpe.com.pk Ambassador, Republic of Palau, Koror Ramoncito S. Mariño Tel.: (+680) 488-5482; 488-6310 F Email: philkor@palaunet.com Ambassador, Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby Bolivar Bao Tel.: (+675) 325-6577; 323-1803 F Email: pompe@datec.net.pg Website: philembassypng.tk Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Poland, Warsaw Edgardo R. Manuel Tel.: (+48) 22-490-2025; 602-541-012 F Email: warsaw.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philempbassy.pl Ambassador, Portugal, Lisbon Teresita G. Barsana Tel.: (+351) 216-083274; 216-083251 F Email: lisbon.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, State of Qatar, Doha Crescente R. Relacion Tel.: (+974) 4483-1585; 4483-1595 F Email: doha.pe@dfa.gov.ph Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Romania, Bucharest Maria Fe T. Pangilinan Tel.: (+4021) 319-8252; 319-8253 F Email: bucharest.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, Russian Federation, Moscow Victor G. Garcia III Tel.: (+7499) 241-0563; 241-2630 F Email: moscow.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.phil-embassy.ru Ambassador, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Ezzedin H. Tago Tel.: (+9661) 482-3615; 488-3945 F Email: riyadh.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy-riyadh.org Ambassador, Singapore, Singapore Minda Calaguian-Cruz Tel.: (+65) 6737-3977; 6733-9544 F Email: singapore.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philippine-embassy.org.sg Charge d’ Affaires a.i., South Africa, Pretoria Eric R. Aquino Tel.: (+2712) 346-0451; 346-0454 F Email: pretoria.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Spain, Madrid Carlos C. Salinas Tel.: (+3491) 782-3830; 411-6606 F Email: madridpe@yahoo.com Website: www.philembassymadrid.com Ambassador, Sweden, Stockholm Maria Zeneida Angara-Collinson Tel.: (+468) 235-665; 140-714 F Email: stockholm.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy.se Ambassador, Switzerland, Berne Leslie J. Baja Tel.: (+4131) 350-1717; 352-2602 F Email: berne.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassyberne.ch Ambassador, Syria, Damascus Wilfredo R. Cuyugan Tel.: (+963-11) 613-2626; 611-0152 Email: pe.damascus@gmail.com Ambassador, Timor Leste, Dili Ma. Aniceta Aileen H. Bugarin Tel.: (+670) 331-0408; 331-0407 F Email: philembdili2010@yahoo.com Ambassador, Kingdom of Thailand, Bangkok Linglingay F. Lacanlale Tel.: (+662) 259-0139; 259-2809 F Email: bangkok.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy-bangkok.net Ambassador, Turkey, Ankara Pedro O. Chan Tel.: (+90312) 446-5831; 446-5733 F Email: ankara.pe@dfa.gov.ph Ambassador, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi Grace R. Princesa Tel.: (+9712) 639-0006; 639-0002 F Email: abudhabi.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy.ae Charge d’ Affaires a.i., United Kingdom of Great Britain, London Reynaldo A. Catapang Tel.: (+44207) 451-1800; 930-9787 F Email: london.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philembassy-uk.org Ambassador, United States of America, Washington Jose Cuisia Jr. Tel.: (+1-202) 467-9300; 328-7614 F Email: washington.pe@dfa.gov.ph Website: www.philippineembassy-usa.org Ambassador, Venezuela, Caracas Jocelyn Batoon-Garcia Tel.: (+58212) 266-4122; 266-6443 F Email: caracas@embassyph.com Ambassador, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Hanoi Jerril G. Santos Tel.: (+844) 3943-7873; 3943-5760 F Email: hnpe2000@gmail.com Website: www.hanoipe.org PHILIPPINE MISSIONS Charge d’ Affaires, a.i., ASEAN-Indonesia, Jakarta Teresita Daza Tel.: (+6221) 739-9435; 739-3268 F Email: jakartaom@gmail.com ;rp2asean@rpmissionjakarta.com Permanent Representative, UN-Switzerland, Geneva Evan P. Garcia Tel.: (+4122) 716-1930; 716-1932 F Email: mission.philippines@ties.itu.int Permanent Representative, UN-United States of America, New York Libran N. Cabactulan Tel.: (+1-212) 764-1300; 840-8602 F Email: newyork.pm@dfa.gov.ph ;newyorkpm@gmail.com Website: www.un.int/philippines Permanent Representative, UN-Switzerland, WTO Geneva Esteban B. Conejos Jr. Tel.: (+41-22) 909-7902; 909-7927 F Email: mission@philippineswto.or Department of National Defense Department of National Defense Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City 982-5600 Trunkline Website: www.dnd.gov.ph Secretary Voltaire T. Gazmin Tel.: 982-5600 Acting Chief of Staff Peter Paul Ruben G. Galvez Tel.: 982-5600 Undersecretary of National Defense/Defense Affairs Honorio S. Azcueta Tel.: 982-5600 loc. 5641 Undersecretary of Finance, Munitions, Installations and Materiel Fernando I. Manalo Tel.: 982-5600 loc. 5675 Undersecretary of Civil Veterans Reserve Affairs Eduardo G. Batac Tel.: 982-5600 loc. 5647 Undersecretary of Legal Legislative Affairs Strategic Concerns Pio Lorenzo F. Batino Tel.: 982-5600 loc. 5644 Undersecretary Proceso T. Domingo Tel.: 912-6675; 912-2424 Assistant Secretary of Personnel Efren Q. Fernandez Tel.: 982-5600; 982-5669 Assistant Secretary of Comptrollership Ernesto D. Boac Tel.: 982-5600; 982-5663 Assistant Secretary of Plans Programs Danilo Augusto B. Francia Tel.: 982-5600 loc. 5696 Assistant Secretary of Strategic Assessments Raymund Jose G. Quilop Tel.: 982-5600 loc. 5653 Assistant Secretary of Acquisition, Installations Logistics Patrick M. Velez Tel.: 982-5607; 982-5600 loc. 5657 Executive Assistant Nestor G. Ariete Tel.: 982-5600 Executive Assistant Primitivo S. Berunia Tel.: 982-5680 ATTACHED AGENCIES Director, Government Arsenal Jonathan C. Martir Camp Antonio Luna, Limay, Bataan Tel.: 911-4580; 421-1554 President, National Defense College of the Philippines Fermin R. De Leon Jr. LOGCOM Compound, Camp Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City Tel.: 911-8469 Director II, Office of Civil Defense Ronald I. Flores DND, Camp E. Aguinaldo, Quezon City Tel.: 912-6675; 912-2424 Administrator, Philippine Veterans Affairs Office Ernesto G. Carolina Camp Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City Tel.: 912-4526; 986-1906 Chief, Military Shrine Services Teresita C. Cuevas PVAO Compound, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City Tel.: 912-4526; 986-1906 Director III, Veterans Memorial Medical Center Franklin M. Gali North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tel.: 927-1873; 920-2487 Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines Lt. Gen. Jessie D. Dellosa Camp General E. Aguinaldo, Quezon City Tel.: 911-6436 Commanding General, Philippine Army Maj. Gen. Emmanuel Bautista Fort Bonifacio, Makati City Tel.: 818-0877; 816-1162 F Commanding General, Philippine Air Force Lt. Gen. Oscar H. Rabena AFP Villamor Airbase, Pasay City Tel.: 845-9555 TL; 854-6720; 854-6732 TL Flag-Officer-in-Command, Philippine Navy Vice Adm. Alexander P. Pama Roxas Blvd., Manila Tel.: 524-4322 TF Commander, AFP Medical Center Col. Joselito P. Avance ña General Headquarters, V. Luna, Quezon City Tel.: 921-1741; 923-0812 TF; 426-2701 to 12 Superintendent, Philippine Military Academy Maj. Gen. Nonato Alfredo T. Peralta Jr. Fort del Pilar, Baguio City Tel.: (074) 446-8002; 447-2634; 447-2825 TF Commander, Presidential Security Group Col. Ramon Mateo U. Dizon Malacañang Park, Manila Tel.: 564-3478; 564-3481 F National Security Adviser Director-General, National Security Adviser Cesar P. Garcia Jr. NICA Compound, V. Luna Road cor. East Ave., Diliman, Quezon City Tel.: 927-2964; 927-6271; 928-6029 F Department of Environment and Natural Resources Department of Environment and Natural Resources DENR Bldg., Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 929-6626 to 29 Trunkline Website: www.denr.gov.ph Secretary Ramon J. P. Paje Tel.: 920-4352; 926-2688; 926-2535; 920-4301 F Email:osec@denr.gov.ph Undersecretary/Chief of Staff Analiza R. Teh Tel.: 925-2327; 929-6626 loc. 2249 TL; 920-4301 F Undersecretary of Field Operations Demetrio L. Igancio Jr. Tel.: 926-1004; 928-4969; 929-6626 loc. 2021, 2209 TL Email:usec_met@yahoo.com;udli@denr.gov.ph Undersecretary of Policy and Planning Manuel D. Gerochi Tel.: 926-2567; 928-1205; 929-6626 loc. 2019, 2038, 2153 TL Undersecretary of Staff Bureaus Project Management Ernesto D. Adobo Jr. Tel.: 920-2213; 929-6626 loc. 2232, 2247, 2248 Undersecretary of Management Technical Services Vacant Tel.: 920-0945 loc. 2143 Undersecretary of Line Bureaus Vacant Tel.: 926-2672; 926-4701 OIC-Assistant Secretary of Field Operations – Luzon Regidor M. de Leon Tel.: 920-2212; 929-6626 loc. 2176; 2219 OIC-Assistant Secretary of Administration Finance Corazon C. Davis Tel.: 927-6726; 926-1084; 929-6626 loc. 2113, 2156, 2071, 2069 OIC-Assistant Secretary of Legal Services Anselmo C. Abungan Tel.: 926-2683; 926-0537; 929-6626 loc. 2251, 2031, 2225 TL Assistant Secretary of Internal Audit and Anti-Corruption Daniel Darius M. Nicer Tel.: 928-7861; 926-0537 F; 929-6626 loc. 2218, 2246 TL Email:oasarac@denr.gov.ph OIC-Assistant Secretary of Special Projects Marlo D. Mendoza Tel.: 920-6515; 929-6626 loc. 2140 TL Assistant Secretary Michelle Angelica D. Go Tel.: 927-5317 TF loc. 2169, 2223 Head Executive Assistant Jonas R. Leones Tel.: 925-8277; 920-0689; 929-6626 loc. 2003, 2013, 2213, 2138 Email:hea@denr.gov.ph ATTACHED AGENCIES OIC-Director, Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) Juan Miguel T. Cuna DENR Compound, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tel.: 927-1517 Website: www.emb.gov.ph Acting Director, Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau Leo L. Jasareno MGB Compound, North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tel.: 928-8642; 920-9120; 920-1635 F Email:ljasareno@mgb.gov.ph Website: www.mgb.gov.ph Administrator, National Mapping and Resources Information Authority (NAMRIA) Peter N. Tiangco NAMRIA Bldg., Fort Bonifacio, Makati City Tel.: 810-5456; 810-5454; 810-4831 loc. 100 Website: www.namria.gov.ph Chairman, Palawan Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD) Abraham Kahlil B. Mitra Rm. 403, The One Executive Office, West Avenue cor. Col. Martinez, Quezon City Tel.: (6348) 434-4234; 434-4235 Acting General Manager, Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) Dolora N. Nepomuceno Tel.: 377-1922 Website: www.llda.gov.ph President, Natural Resources Development Corp. (NRDC) Felix J. Mariñas Jr. Tel.: 521-9421; 521-9466 F Website: www.nrdc.gov.ph Chairperson, Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) Regina Paz L. Lopez Tel.: 926-5232; 926-6449 General Manager and Chief Executive, Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) Peter Anthony A. Abaya Tel.: 817-4711 to 13 Executive Director, National Water Resources Board (NWRB) Vicente S. Paragas Tel.: 928-2365 President, Philippine Forest Corporation (PFC) Erwin Krishna N. Santos Tel.: 927-1064; 929-8136 President CEO, Philippine Mining Development Corporation (PMDC) Lito A. Mondragon Tel.: 706-1630 to 31 Email: pmdc.com.ph REGIONAL OFFICES OIC-Regional Executive Director, NCR Neria A. Andin 1515 LS Bldg., Roxas Blvd., Manila Tel.: 434-2240 to 69 Regional Executive Director, CAR Clarence L. Baguilat 80 Diego Silang St., Baguio City Tel.: (074) 442-4531; 444-2806 Email: ored@mozcom.com Regional Executive Director, Region I Samuel R. Peñafiel Government Center, Sevilla, City of San Fernando, La Union Tel.: (072) 700-5952; (072) 888-3833 F Regional Executive Director, Region II Benjamin T. Tumaliuan Nursery Compound, Tuguegarao, Cagayan Tel.: (078) 304-8049 Email:r2@denr.gov.ph Regional Executive Director, Region III Maximo O. Dichoso Diosdado Macapagal, Regional Government Center, San Fernando, Pampanga Tel.: (045) 963-4636 OIC-Regional Executive Director, Region IV-A Reynulfo A. Juan DENRCRIS Business Center, National Highway Brgy. Halang, Calamba City, Laguna Tel.: (049) 576-6941; 502-7997 OIC-Regional Executive Director, Region IV-B Edgardo O. Galeon 1514 LS Bldg., Roxas Blvd., Manila Tel.: (02) 405-0046; 405-0155 OIC-Regional Executive Director, Region V Gilbert C. Gonzales Regional Center Cite, Rizal St., Rawis Legazpi City Tel.: (052) 482-0691; 482-0697; (052) 963-4648 F Regional Executive Director, Region VI Julian D. Amador Pepita Aquino Avenue, Iloilo City Tel.: (033) 335-0002; 336-2654 OIC-Regional Executive Director, Region VII Isabelo R. Montejo Greenplains Subd., Banilad, Mandaue City Tel.: (032) 346-0661; 346-9612; 346-2225 F Email: reddenr7@cvis.net OIC-Regional Executive Director, Region VIII Manolito D. Ragub Sto. Niño Ext. Tacloban City Tel.: (053) 325-6223; (053) 321-3386 F OIC-Regional Executive Director, Region IX Arleigh J. Adorable Pasonanca Park, Zamboanga City Tel.: (062) 992-1738; 991-1424 F OIC-Regional Executive Director, Region X Corazon B. Galinato DENR, R-10, Macabalan, CDO Tel.: (088) 726-280; 856-9066; 72-6280 F Regional Executive Director, Region XI Joselin Marcus E. Fragada Km. 7, Lanang, Davao City Tel.: (082) 234-7441; 223-2779; 234-0811 F OIC-Regional Executive Director, Region XII Adeluisa G. Siapno 2 Flr. Arcada de Infante Bldg., Gen. Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato Tel.: (083) 228-6226; 228-6225 F OIC-Regional Executive Director, Caraga Marlo D. Mendoza DENR Reg. XIII, Ambago, Butuan City Tel.: (085) 341-1996; 341-9812; 341-7280 F Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Building, Padre Faura St., Ermita, Manila 1004 523-8481 to 98 Trunkline Website: www.doj.gov.ph Secretary of Justice Leila M. De Lima Tel.: 521-1908; 523-8481 loc. 211, 214 TL Fax:523-9548 Email:lmdelima@doj.gov.ph;lmdelima.doj@gmail.com Undersecretary Francisco F. Baraan III Tel.: 521-8348; 523-8481 loc. 217, 338 TL Fax:526-2618 Email: ffbaraan@doj.gov.ph Undersecretary Leah C. Tanodra-Armamento Tel.: 524-9357; 523-8481 loc. 347, 206 TL Fax:524-6763 Email: ltarmamento@doj.gov.ph Undersecretary Jose Vicente B. Salazar Tel.: 536-0450; 526-2748 TF; 523-8481 loc. 300 TL Email: jvbsalaza@doj.gov.ph Assistant Secretary Geronimo L. Sy Tel.: 521-8345; 523-8481 loc. 222 TL Fax:524-2230 Email: glsy@doj.gov.ph Assistant Secretary Zabedin M. Azis Tel.: 524-8930; 523-8481 loc. 223 TL Fax:536-0445 Email:zmazis@doj.gov.ph Prosecutor General Claro A. Arellano Tel.: 525-0952 TF;523-8481 loc. 219, 281 TL Email:clarellano@lycos.com Senior Deputy State Prosecutor Severino H. Gaña Tel.: 526-2750; 523-8481 loc. 401, 410, 277 TL Fax: 525-5386 Email: shg@doj.gov.ph Senior Deputy State Prosecutor Miguel F. Guido Jr. Tel.: 536-0443; 523-8481 loc. 227, 247 TL Fax:536-0442 Senior Deputy State Prosecutor Pedrito L. Rances Tel.: 525-1394; 523-8481 loc. 311, 329 TL Fax:526-2751 Email:sdsp.plr@gmail.com Senior Deputy State Prosecutor Richard Anthony D. Fadullon Tel.: 523-4212; 523-8481 loc. 246, 241 TL Fax:524-9901 Email: radf@doj.gov.ph OIC, Senior Deputy State Prosecutor Theodore M. Villanueva Tel.: 523-8481 loc. 324 TL OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL STATE PROSECUTOR Regional Prosecutor, Region I Nonnatus Caesar R. Rojas San Fernando, La Union Tel.: (072) 242-7311 Regional Prosecutor, Region II Rommel C. Baligod Tuguegarao, Cagayan Tel.: (078) 844-3786; (078) 304-9372 F Regional Prosecutor, Region III Jesus C. Simbulan San Fernando, Pampanga Tel.: (045) 963-6817; 961-6025 Regional Prosecutor, Region IV Ernesto C. Mendoza San Pablo, Laguna Tel.: (049) 561-1035 Regional Prosecutor, Region V Mary May B. De Leoz Legazpi City, Albay Tel.: (052) 480-2498 Regional Prosecutor, Region VI Domingo J. Laurea Jr. Iloilo City, Iloilo Tel.: (033) 337-4809 Regional Prosecutor, Region VII Fernando K. Gubalane Cebu City, Cebu Tel.: (032) 412-8747; 412-4855 F Regional Prosecutor, Region VIII Francisco Q. Aurillo Jr. Tacloban City Tel.: (053) 325-6780 Regional Prosecutor, Region IX Wilfrido M. Yu Zamboanga City Tel.: (062) 991-0794; 991-2046 F Regional Prosecutor, Region X Jaime L. Umpa Cagayan de Oro City Tel.: (088) 857-5585; 2272-0121 F Regional Prosecutor, Region XI Antonio B. Arellano Davao City Tel.: (082) 297-8947; 297-6149 F Regional Prosecutor, Region XII Maranao C. Danganan SOCCSKSARGEN, Marawi City Tel.: (063) 352-0354 OIC, Regional Prosecutor, Caraga Vicente B. Abugho Butuan City Tel.: (085) 342-8084 Fax: (085)815-2414; 815-5492 OIC, Regional Prosecutor, ARMM Japar A. Usman Marawi City Tel.: (063) 352-0256 ATTACHED AGENCIES Commissioner of Bureau of Immigration Ricardo A. David Jr. 2nd Flr., Bureau of Immigration Bldg., Magallanes Drive, Intramuros, Manila Tel.: 525-4143; 309-7752 F Email:bi_ric_david@yahoo.com.ph Director, Bureau of Corrections Gaudencio S. Pangilinan NBP Reservation, Muntinlupa City Tel.: (632) 809-8073; 850-5002 loc. 108 TL Email:gaudencio_pangilinan@bucor.gov.ph Website: www.bucor.gov.ph Administrator, Land Registration Authority Eulalio C. Diaz III NIA Road cor. East Ave., Diliman, Q. C. Tel.: 929-6626 Director, National Bureau of Investigation Nonnatus Caesar R. Rojas NBI Bldg., Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila Tel.: 523-8231 to 38 TL; 526-1216; 523-7414 F Email:director@nbi.gov.ph Website: www.nbi.gov.ph Government Corporate Counsel, Office of the Government Corporate Counsel Raoul C. Creencia 3rd Flr., MWSS Administration Bldg., Katipunan Road, Balara, Quezon City Tel.: 927-0030; 436-4405 F Email:gcccreencia@ogcc.gov.ph OIC, Executive Director, Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution Bernadette C. Ongoco Padre Faura St., Ermita, Manila Tel.: 523-8481 loc. 300, 302; 523-6826 Email:oadr_doj@yahoo.com Website: www.oadr.netai.net Solicitor General Francis H.Jardeleza OSG Bldg., 134 Amorsolo St., Legaspi Village, Makati City Tel.: 816-6354; (02) 818-6301 to 09 Email:accessiblethroughhttp://mail.osg.gov.ph/desknow/index.html Administrator, Parole and Probation Administration Manuel G. Co DOJ Agencies Bldg., NIA Road cor. East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tel.: 929-3145; 927-6826; 928-0235 F Email: oa@probation.gov.ph Chairman, Presidential Commission on Good Government Juan Andres D. Bautista 82 RIC Bldg., EDSA, Mandaluyong City Tel.: 727-6816; 727-2926 TF Email: andy.bautista@pcgg.gov.ph Chief Public Attorney, Public Attorney’s Office Persida V. Rueda-Acosta DOJ Agencies Bldg., NIA Road cor. East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tel.: 929-9010; 927-6810 F Email:chiefruedaacosta@yahoo.com.ph Department of Trade and Industry DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Industry and Investments Building 385 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City Website: www.dti.gov.ph Secretary Gregory L. Domingo 5F Industry and Investments Bldg., 385 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City Tel.: (+632) 899-7450; 896-1166 F Email: secretary@dti.gov.ph Chief of Staff Lydia R. Guevarra Tel.: 976-5729; 899-7450 Email:COS@dti.gov.ph Undersecretary of Consumer Welfare and Business Regulation Group (CWBRG); Management Services Group (MSG) Zenaida Cuison-Maglaya 6F Trade and Industry Building,361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City Tel.: 976-5729; 899-7450; 751-3335 F Email: useczcm@dti.gov.ph Undersecretary of Industry Investments Group Cristino L. Panlilio Industry InvestmentsBuilding,385 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave.,MakatiCity Tel.: 890-9303; 890-9332; 895-3512 F Email: clpanlilio@boi.gov.ph Undersecretary of Industry Development Trade Policy Group Adrian S. Cristobal 3F DTI International Bldg., 375 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 890-4898; 890-4891; 895-3993 F Email: ascristobal@dti.gov.ph Undersecretary of Regional Operations Development Group Merly M. Cruz 7F New Solid Building,357 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City Tel.: 890-4697; 890-4685 F Email:cmerly53@yahoo.com Assistant Secretary of International Trade Ramon T. Kabigting BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE RELATIONS (BITR) DTI International Bldg., 375 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave. Makati City Tel.: 897-8290; 890-5149 F Email:bitr_mon@dti.gov.ph Head Executive Assistant Armando Q. Mercado Jr. Tel.:(+632) 976-5728; 899-7450 loc. 5528 Email:jun_mercado@yahoo.com BUREAUS INDUSTRY AND INVESTMENTS GROUP Executive Director Virgilio P. Fulgencio CENTER FOR INDUSTRIAL COMPETITIVENESS (CIC) 6/F, Trade Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 751-3404; 890-4889; 751-3404 F Email: kbfulgencio@yahoo.com Director-in-Charge Rosvi C. Gaetos GARMENTS TEXTILE INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE (GTIDO) Golden Shell Pavilion,Roxas Blvd. corner Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave.,Pasay City Tel.: (+632) 831-2201 loc. 200; 832-3965 Email:gtido@citem.com.ph;dtigtido@gmail.com INTERNATIONAL TRADE GROUP Director Senen M. Perlada BUREAU OF EXPORT TRADE PROMOTION (BETP) DTI Int’l Bldg., 375 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 895-3654; 895-4430; 895-3654; 890-4716 F Email: smperlada@dti.gov.ph Director Luis M. Catibayan BUREAU OF IMPORT SERVICES (BIS) 3/F Tara Bldg., 389 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel: (+632) 896-4430; 896-4431 F Email: thebisdirector@yahoo.com.ph ;LuisCatibayan@dti.gov.ph Officer-in-Charge Angelo Salvador M. Benedictos BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE RELATIONS (BITR) DTI International Bldg., 375 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: (+632) 897-1719 Email:angelo_benedictos@yahoo.com Director Maria Lourdes A. Yaptinchay E-COMMERCE OFFICE 4/F Industry Investments Bldg., 385 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 976-5701; 976-5702; 897-1243; 896-7889; 976-5704 F Email:lourdesyaptinchay@dti.gov.ph Chief, Export Management Division Amelita C. Cadang INTERNATIONAL COFFEE ORGANIZATION CERTIFYING AGENCY (ICOCA) Penthouse, DTI International Bldg., 375 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: (+632) 897-0515 ext. 503 TF Email:amy_cadang@yahoo.com Assistant Secretary Romulo V. Manlapig FOREIGN TRADE SERVICE CORPS (FTSC) 3/F DTI International Bldg., 375 Sen Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: (+632) 897-9659; 897-9661; 897-9672; 890-5073 F Email: rvmanlapig@philippinetrade.org CONSUMER WELFARE AND TRADE REGULATION GROUP Director-in-Charge Pedro Vicente C. Mendoza BUREAU OF PRODUCT STANDARDS (BPS) 3/F Trade and Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 751-31273; 751-3125; 751-4706 F Email:bps@dti.gov.ph Officer-in-Charge Jaime Lasaro L. Olmos PHILIPPINE ACCREDITATION OFFICE (PAO) 3/F Trade Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 751-3126; 751-3262 F Email: JaimeOlmos@dti.gov.ph Website:www.pao.dti.gov.ph Director Victorio Mario A. Dimagiba BUREAU OF TRADE REGULATION AND CONSUMER PROTECTION (BTRCP) 2/F, Trade Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 751-3288; 751-3233; 890-4949 F Email:btrcp@dti.gov.ph Director Victorio Mario A. Dimagiba PHILIPPINE SHIPPER’S BUREAU (PSB) 2/F Trade and Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 751-3304; 751-3306; 751-3305 F Officer-in-Charge Velma M. Lim NATIONAL COMSUMER AFFAIRS COUNCIL (NCAC) G/F Trade Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: (+632) 751-4782; 751-4783; 890-4930 F Email: ncacdti@yahoo.com REGIONAL OPERATIONS DEVELOPMENT GROUP Officer-in-Charge Marievic M. Bonoan BUREAU OF DOMESTIC TRADE (BDT) GF Trade and Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 751-3223; 751-3224 F Email:marievicbonoan@yahoo.com Director Rhodora M. Leaño BUREAU OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT (BMSMED) 5/F Trade Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: (+632) 751-5036; 896-7916 F Email: bmsmed@dti.gov.ph Executive Director Manuel B. Abad COMPREHENSIVE AGRARIAN REFORM PROGRAM (CARP) 3/F Oppen Bldg., 349 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: (+632) 890-4966; 897-1042 F Email: carp@dti.gov.ph Program Manager Jerry T. Clavesillas DTI-RURAL MICRO-ENTERPRISE PROMOTION PROGRAM (DTI-RuMEPP) 3/F Trade Industry Bldg., 361 Sen Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 751-0384 loc. 2368; 751-326 F Email: rumepp@dti.gov.ph ATTACHED AGENCIES Assistant Secretary Felicitas R. Agoncillo-Reyes BOARD OF INVESTMENTS (BOI) 4F Industry Investments Building,385 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, 1200 Makati City Tel.: (632) 976-5723; 976-5700 loc. 5523; 976-5722 F Email:FagoncilloReyes@boi.gov.ph; gtido@dti.gov.ph Executive Director Jesus L. Motoomull CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY AUTHORITY OF THE PHILIPPINES (CIAP) 5/F Executive Center Bldg., Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Malati City Tel.: (+632) 895-4424; 895-6826; 897-9336 F Email: ciap@info.com.ph Director-in-Charge Pedro Vicente C. Mendoza CONSTRUCTION MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (CMDF) G/F Trade Industry Bldg., 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: 890-1069; 890-1037 F Email: cmdf_dti@yahoo.com Director General Ricardo R. Blancaflor INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF THE PHILIPPINES (IPOPHIL) 28 Upper McKinley Road, McKinley Hill Town CenterFort Bonifacio, Taguig City Tel.: 798-0116; 752-5450 to 65 loc. 601, 604; 890-4863; 890-4942; 553-9480 F Email:dittb@ipophil.gov.ph;mail@ipophil.gov.ph Executive Director Adelaida L. Inton PHILIPPINE TRADE TRAINING CENTER (PTTC) International Trade Center Complex, Roxas Blvd. cor. Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Pasay City Tel.: (+632) 468-8962 to 70; 834-1341 F Email: info@pttc.gov.ph ;adelaidainton@pttc.gov.ph Executive Director Myrna M. Sunico PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES (PDDCP) PDDCP Bldg., CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Tel.: 832-112 to 19 loc. 108; 832-3644 F Email: pddcp@info.com.ph REGIONAL OFFICES Officer-in-Charge, NCR Ferdinand L. Manfoste 12F Trafalgar Plaza, 105 H.V. Dela Costa St. Salcedo Village, Makati City Tel.: (+632) 811-8367; 811-8271 F Email:fmanfoste@yahoo.com Regional Director, CAR Myrna P. Pablo Jesnor Building, 4 Cariño St., 2600 Baguio City Tel.: (+6374) 442-8634; 442-6185; 442-7859; 442-5688 F Email: myrnpablo@yahoo.com ;dti_cordi@yahoo.com Regional Director, Region I Florante O. Leal 4F Juanita Commercial BuildingQuezon Ave., San Fernando, La Union Tel.: (+6372) 242-4864; 700-1022 to 25; 700-1023 F Email:dtireg1@yahoo.com;dtireg1@hotmail.com Regional Director, Region II Ma. Esperanza C. Bañares # 11 Dalan na Pappabalo, Carig Sur Regional Government Center Tel.: (+6378) 846-4637 TF Email: RO2@dti.gov.ph ;dtitwo@gmail.com Regional Director, Region III Blesila A. Lantayona 2F Angeles Business Centre, Teresa Ave. Nepo Mart Complex, Angeles City Tel.: (+6345) 625-9290; 625-9291; 625-9996; 898-4900; 625-9607 F Email:dtireg3@pldtdsl.net;corridor@mozcom.com Regional Director, Region IV-A Marilou Quinco-Toledo 3F Marcelita Building, National Highway, Barangay Real, Calamba City, Laguna Tel.: (+6349) 545-6169; 545-7448; 545-7570; 545-7573 F Email: dti4a@yahoo.com Regional Caretaker, Region IV-B Joel B. Valera 5F Oppen Building, 349 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel.: (+632) 890-1712; 899-0900 F Email: dti_mimaropa@yahoo.com Regional Director, Region V Jocelyn LB. Blanco 3F Capitol Annex Building, Old Albay District, Legaspi City Tel.: (+6352) 480-5749; 480-5717TF Email: ro@dti05.org Regional Director, Region VI Dominic P. Abad 3F DTI Building, J.M. Basa-Peralta Sts. Iloilo City Tel.: (+6333) 335-0548; 335-1980; 335-0083 F Email: dtiregion6@yahoo.com ; R06@dti.gov.ph Regional Director, Region VII Asteria C. Caberte 3F Rm. 311 WDC Building, Osmeña Blvd. cor. P. Burgos St., Cebu City Tel.: (+6332) 255-0036 to 37; 253-7465 F Email:dti_7@yahoo.com;dticentralvisayas@gmail.com Regional Director, Region VIII Cynthia R. Nierras Government Center, Pawing, Palo, Leyte Tel.: (053) 323-4163; 323-5680; 323-3035; 323-4082 F Email: RO8@dti.gov.ph ;dtiregion@yahoo.com Regional Director, Region IX Nazrullah B. Manzur Gov. Ramos Ave., Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City Tel.: (+6362) 955-3237; 991-3238; 991-3232 F Email: dti9@pldtsl.net ;dti09@yahoo.com;R09@dti.gov.ph Officer-in-Charge, Region X Linda O. Boniao NACIDA Building, Corrales St. cor. A. Luna St. 9000 Cagayan de Oro City Tel.: (+638822) 729-291; 722-278; 726-354 TF Email:r10@dti.gov.ph;dti.r10@gmail.com;l.boniao@gmail.com Regional Director, Region XI Marizon S. Loreto 3-4F Mintrade Building, Monteverde Ave. corner Sales St., Davao City Tel.: (+6382) 224-0511; 222-1625; 300-9580; 221-4952 F Email: dti11.ord@gmail.com Regional Director, Region XII Ibrahim K. Guiamadel 3 4F De Luz Building, Gensan Drive Cor. Aquino St. Gensan, 9506Koronadal City, South Cotabato Tel.: (+6383) 228-9837; 228-7622; 228-8556; 520-0613 F Email:ro@dti12.org Regional Director, CARAGA Brielgo O. Pagaran 4-5 Flrs.D V Building, Plaza JC Aquino Ave., Butuan City Tel.: (+6385) 341-2293; 342-5615; 815-1271 F Email: dti_caraga@yahoo.com ;brix_pinoy@yahoo.com
43456 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 「日本风情」2012 社区夏祭り
热度 5 VANO 2012-7-28 21:45
在日本居住过的朋友都知道,每年盛夏来临日本各地都会出现夏日庆祝活动。 神社,旅游景点,政府部门都会组织大型的舞蹈,演唱,欣赏烟花等活动。 夏祭り  Summer festivals 花火大会  fireworks shows We stroll to summer festivals and enjoy food sold at  outdoor stalls, and after the sunset, we look up at  the beautiful fireworks in the night sky in Japanese  summer kimonos with paper fans in our hands. http://www.mglblog.net/blog/paper/20110704162207821.mp3 今天,参加了一个社区举办的夏祭り活动, 随意拍了一点照片。 1,会场中间的大草坪成为大家休憩场所 2 , 近年来,这个社区已经成为东京印度居民的最主要居住地。因为,附近有两个国际学校。印度孩子在表演舞蹈。 3,进入镜头的都是印度居民了。 4,差不多有500多个自制的日式灯笼,这个是一个11岁孩子制作的。 5,到达会场时,好几百人集体参加的BINGO GAME。奖品很丰厚。 6,料理小吃提供的志愿者,当然这些食物都是收费的,非常的便宜。 7,最有人气的刨冰,排好长的队伍。 8,爆米花也是大家喜欢的。 9,印度的一个银行也参加了活动,同时也是来做广告的吧。 明年,是否可以把珍珠湾全球网的红旗也插过去呢? 10,各种饮酒,饮料 11,猛然发现居然有绍兴酒,莫名的兴奋了一下。 12,看见几位年轻的美女,只能在背后偷拍一张。还是高中生吧。。 13,这个摊儿卖的是焖大肠,里面有萝卜片 14,这里提供的是,这个叫什么来着? 上海有的,,,炸出来的片。。。叫什么??怎么也想不起来。。。 15,韩国的孩子制作的灯笼,写什么呢?看不懂。。 16,西瓜是夏天的美品吧,大家都喜欢。 17,这个骆驼画的也不错。 一共有近500个灯笼,只拍了一点点而已。 18,这个又是几岁的孩子画的呢?家里有姐妹吧。。 19,小鸭子很可爱,比我画的都好。。 20,似乎,这么多的灯笼是由某个公司提供的呢。。 21,印度朋友注意到我在拍照,大方的摆姿势呢。他们提供的是印度盒饭。 22,发现,印度人真的是很多很多。。大家在给自己的孩子拍摄舞蹈录像。 23,2012年的夏,会发生什么奇迹吗? 期待中。。。
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