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分享 对2015/2/16 纽约Carnegie Hall《黄河大合唱》演出的评论(ZT)
热度 16 宜修 2015-2-24 08:11
对2015/2/16 纽约Carnegie Hall《黄河大合唱》演出的评论(ZT)
" Two Cultures, One Dream" in Review -- http://nyconcertreview.com/tag/chai-lun-yueh 关于合唱的部分: This was one of the most energetic performances of any work I have seen in many years! There were no half-measures at any time; it was full tilt from start to finish by all. It was especially interesting to see how involved the chorus was in performance. It was obvious they were giving it their all, with evident pride, as if to say “This is our music, and we are proud to share it with you.” 最后那句话,也正是我的感觉。 《保卫黄河》《怒吼吧黄河》的 演出录音 可在这个网站上听到: http://www.peaceever.com/003/01/20150217/5782.html
个人分类: 诗词歌赋|14228 次阅读|60 个评论


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