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各国读者对马云-马斯克 AI 对话的评论

热度 2已有 8906 次阅读2019-9-2 15:01 |个人分类:转帖|系统分类:转帖-科技

各国读者对马云-马斯克 AI 对话的评论:
“A very uneducated man that is trying to sound smart in front of smart people. What a joke.” (一个很缺乏教育的人试图在聪明人面前装聪明。真是笑话)

“A e-commerce grocery businessman gives advise to an great engineer and technologist and futuristic man...what's going on .it's a big dumb jackjoke” (一个电商杂货店生意人向一个伟大的工程师、未来主义技术家提供建议---这是怎么回事。这是愚蠢的笑话)

“Jack Ma is trying so hard to convince himself that he is smart. Fail!”(马云如此努力地想证明自己聪明。真失败)

“Don’t think Jack Ma is smart enough to have a conversation with Elon.”(我不认为马云有足够智力跟ELON对话)

“Musk is an innovator, Ma is someone who capitalized on others innovation.” (马斯克是一个创新者。马云是在其他人的创新上赚钱。)

“Jack ma should not be at the same stage with an engineer and scientist talking about technical subject like AI technologie. He make fool of him.” (马云不应该跟一个工程师与科学家在台上讨论AI一类的技术问题。他使自己看起来像个傻瓜。)

“Jack Ma going against Elon Musk is like a human playing against Alpha Zero.” (马云对马斯克就像人跟阿法狗下围棋)

“Damn.  Jack Ma sounds stupid on this one.  I don’t know why Elon wasted his time on this guy.” (马云这次听起来很蠢。不知道为什么马斯克跟他浪费时间)

“I just realised how incredibly ignorant of a man Jack Ma is. Speaking with such arrogance about things he knows nothing about. Incredible.” (我这才意识到马云是多么无知。他如此傲慢地讲他什么都不懂的东西。不可思议)

"21:08 elon musk realizes he'd have  better luck teaching a cat to bark than having a rational conversion with that dude" (21分08秒处表情:马斯克可能意识到与这人进行理性对话比教猫做狗叫还难)

“I was really starting to worry about the rise of China until I watched this.” (在看这个视频之前我真地担心中国崛起)

“This is embarrassing for Jack Ma. This is China’s business prodigy” (这场对话让马云太丢脸了。这就是中国做生意的奇才)

“Ma had some good points to make but honestly his English sucks, that didn't help at all. And Musk stutters  so much lol” (马云有些好观点但他英语真烂,对其没有帮助。马斯克这么结巴 LOL)

“In Asia, successful businessmen are literally treated like royalty so guys like Jack Ma often become very full of themselves.. Elon, on the other hand, is very grounded despite all his ridiculous accomplishments.” (在亚洲,成功的生意人被当成王室一样,所以马云这样的人往往变得目中无人。)








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