

分享 纽约长岛Huntington High上演种族歧视歌舞剧
MingHao 2023-3-13 03:58
遭到华人家长抗议 Letter: Racist or Not? Thoughts On Thoroughly Modern Millie’s Portrayal Of Asians A high school musical in Long Island has sparked protest over its racist representations
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分享 哈佛大学早期捐赠人与中国的一段渊源
MingHao 2023-3-12 12:04
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分享 1861林肯讲话
MingHao 2023-3-8 12:43
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分享 1860年道格拉斯新独立宣言
MingHao 2023-3-8 12:34
By 1860, Douglass was well known for his efforts to end slavery and his skill at public speaking . During the Civil War, Douglass was a consultant to President Abraham Lincoln and helped convince him that slaves should serve in the Union forces and that the abolition ...
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分享 被扣上“反美”,或“非美”帽子的人
MingHao 2023-3-8 11:43
Many civil rights leaders throughout history have been wrongly accused of being anti-American or un-American by those who opposed their efforts to fight for equality and justice. Here are some examples: Martin Luther King Jr.: Perhaps the most famous civil rights leader in American history, Ki ...
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分享 加州会有朝一日把Geary Theater改为以华人命名
MingHao 2023-3-3 12:31
Geary Blv.Geary Parkway, Geary Theater, Geary St 改路名容易影响交通(需要2个名字同时用过渡一下),但是剧场名字可以极快改。 Thomas J. Geary是一位加利福尼亚州y议员,他在19世纪末的反华运动中发挥了重要作用。 1879年,Geary在加利福尼亚州立法机构中提出了一项法案,旨在禁止中国移民在该州的矿山工作 ...
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分享 崔景荣发明抗癌药物的故事
MingHao 2023-3-1 11:05
https://blog.wenxuecity.com/blog/frontend.php?act=articlePrintblogId=77363date=202112postId=9756 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%B4%94%E6%99%AF%E8%8D%A3/15444935
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分享 Alexandr WANG
MingHao 2023-3-1 10:53
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分享 Hidden Voices AAPI History
MingHao 2023-2-28 14:12
Following the success of the Hidden Voices: Asian American Pacific Islanders pilot program, @DOEChancellor David C. Banks announced the launch of the AAPI history curriculum teachers guide to bring AAPI history and content to all public NYC schools. The curriculum has be ...
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