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已有 693 次阅读2024-2-23 21:22 |个人分类:族裔自信文化自信|系统分类:转帖-知识

Lin Yutang (the famous bilingual writer of the 20th century)condemned the Chinese Exclusion Law in 1937 when he was giving a lecture on Chinese Literature at BAM . "His words were more of academic discourse; they were a call to action."
I found it out when I went to the Brooklyn Academy of Music to see the Musical "Angel Island" by Huang Ruo.
May be an image of ticket stub and text that says 'Lin Yutang, 1939 photo: Carl Van Vechten 林語堂 Lin Yutang: Philosopher, Novelist, Inventor, Antiracist In 1937, Lin Yutang lectured at Bam against racial injustice. Drawing from his book "My Country and My People," he lectured on Chinese culture and philosophy at a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 sanctioned discrimination and violence against Chinese in America. His words were more than an academic discourse; they were a call to action. It wasn't until the Magnuson Act of 1943 that the law was overturned, enabling Chinese immigrants to finally become U.S. citizens.'
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'ARTS Ano 物E究 CRITICS SERIES Conducte Houston Ph.D. Thursday Evening March 8:15 盜 YREANG Famous Chinare wite Author "THE ART OF LIFE" LECTURE HALE ACNOEMY OF MUSIC 林語堂 Lin Yutang, 1939 photo: CarlV Vechten Lin Yutang: Philosopher, Novelist, Inventor Antiracist 1937, Y lectured Drawing from his book "My Bam People." lectured Chinese culture and philosophy at My time when Chinese Exclusion Act discrimination and violence against Chinese America. 1882 sanctioned His words were more than were academic discourse; they call action. wasn't 1943 that the the Magnuson Act of was overturned enabling Chinese immigrants to finally become U.S. citizens.'








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