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GPT- 英语写作奇妙Tutor

已有 3340 次阅读2023-10-14 10:24 |个人分类:AI|系统分类:转帖-知识


有了GPT, 随时随地请GPT给修改句子,不用着急了。科技极大地改善了生活!

what are the ways to say I engaged in activism to include Asian American History in K-12 Curriculum ?

There are various ways to express that you have been involved in activism to include Asian American History in K-12 curriculum. The wording can be tailored to your specific experiences and activities, but here are some phrases to convey your engagement:

  1. "I advocated for the inclusion of Asian American History in K-12 curriculum."
  2. "I actively worked to incorporate Asian American History into the K-12 educational syllabus."
  3. "I campaigned for the integration of Asian American History into the K-12 educational framework."
  4. "I participated in efforts to promote the teaching of Asian American History in K-12 schools."
  5. "I lobbied for the recognition and incorporation of Asian American History into K-12 curriculum."
  6. "I dedicated my time to raising awareness and supporting the integration of Asian American History into K-12 education."
  7. "I was a part of the movement to expand the coverage of Asian American History in K-12 classrooms."
  8. "I was actively involved in initiatives aimed at diversifying K-12 curriculum with Asian American History."

Feel free to modify these statements to accurately represent your specific involvement and contributions to the cause.








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