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Great Neck Chinese American demanded our history into Curriculum

已有 1055 次阅读2023-6-27 00:29 |个人分类:华二代教育|系统分类:转帖-知识

公开信 纽约Great Neck华裔美国人要求我们的历史进入课程 “尊敬的教育委员会受托人普伦德加斯特博士、兰多博士和纽曼女士, 首先我们谨代表大颈华人协会感谢您领导这个为我们提供最好教育的一流学区 孩子们。 我们写信是为了表达我们的信念,即我们的学区应该制定一项纳入亚裔美国人太平洋岛民(AAPI) 的政策每个年级的历史记录, 并提供足够的资金来实施教学AAPI历史政策。 亚裔美国人的历史就是美国的历史。 来自帮助建造的苦力从横贯大陆的铁路到排华法案, 从纤维的发明好莱坞和百老汇的光学——AAPI 的历史是一个复杂的故事苦难、贡献和对美国梦的终极追求。 为了数百年来,AAPI的历史始终是不可缺少的一部分 美国历史和美国身份。 不幸的是,在我们的学生教科书中很难找到 AAPI 的历史。 “如果我们不刻意包括在内,我们就会无意中排除。” 为了真正拥抱我们社会的多元化结构,我们需要采取积极的步骤 教授和讨论我国历史上被边缘化的AAPI 群体,在学校积极拥抱不同文化。 历史为我们提供了一种认同感。 占所有 Great Neck 学生的 45%作为亚洲血统,他们祖先的历史至关重要在他们的成长岁月里,他们在这个一流的学区接受乡村教育。 尽管 我们大多数人都会在家里教我们的孩子我们的历史和文化,但仍然如此与在学校环境中的学习无法相比。 学习有关每年一次的农历新年或通过 AAPI Heritage 期间的特别项目在学校呆一个月根本不够。 我们的学区应该帮助我们的学生在这个国家的背景下了解他们的历史并为此感到自豪正规学校设置。 历史还将帮助我们对抗反亚裔的刻板印象、仇恨和偏执。 和随着反亚裔仇恨犯罪的兴起,我们相信教授亚裔美国人的历史将会通过减少无知和恐惧症来实现长期的改变。 如果我们引入亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民做出的贡献和牺牲为了这个国家,为了我们的孩子在年轻时,我们将为他们建立基础对包容性和多样性的理解和欣赏。 今天,纽约市、新泽西州、加利福尼亚州、康涅狄格州、伊利诺伊州和罗德岛各岛都通过了立法,强制规定教授 AAPI 历史,许多其他州和市也将效仿。 我们赞赏一些 我们学区的教师已经开始将AAPI 历史纳入他们的教学中课程。 我们知道这需要大量的工作 在所有建筑物中实施教授AAPI 历史政策。 然而,我们强烈敦促我们的学区通过一项教授 AAPI 历史的政策并再次领先进步并成为长岛所有学区的旗手。 谢谢你! 此致, GNCA 董事会”

Great Neck Chinese American demanded our history into Curriculum
"Dear Board of Education trustees, Dr. Prendergast, Dr. Lando and Ms. Newman,
On behalf of the Great Neck Chinese Association, we would like to first thank you
for leading this premier school district that provides the best education for our
children. We are writing to express our belief that our school district should
establish a policy that incorporates Asian-American Pacific Islander (AAPI)
history at each grade level and provide adequate funding to implement a Teach
AAPI history policy.
Asian American history is American history. From coolies who helped build the
transcontinental railways to the Chinese Exclusion Act, from the invention of fiber
optics to Hollywood and Broadway – AAPI history is a complicated tale of
sufferings, contributions, and the ultimate pursuit of the American Dream. For
hundreds of years, AAPI history has always been an indispensable part of
American history and American identity.
Unfortunately, AAPI history is hard to find in our student textbooks. It is said that
“if we are not purposely including, we are accidentally excluding.” To truly
embrace the diverse fabrics of our society, we need to take an affirmative step to
teach and discuss the historically marginalized AAPI groups in our country and
actively embrace different cultures in schools.
History provides us with a sense of identity. With 45% of all Great Neck students
being of Asian descent, it is imperative that the history of their ancestors in this
country is taught during their formative years at this premier school district. While
most of us will teach our children about our history and culture at home, it is still
incomparable to learning in the context of a school setting. Learning about the
Lunar New Year once a year or through a special project during AAPI Heritage
Month in school is simply not enough. Our school district should help our students
learn about and to be proud of their history in this country in the context of a
regular school setting.
History will also help us combat anti-Asian stereotypes, hatred and bigotry. With
the rise of Anti-Asian hate crimes, we believe that teaching AAPI history will
deliver a long-term change by reducing ignorance and phobia. If we introduce the
contributions and sacrifices that Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders have made
for this country to our children at a young age, we will be building fundamental
understanding and appreciation of inclusion and diversity.
Today, New York City, New Jersey, California, Connecticut, Illinois, and Rhode
Island have all passed legislation that makes teaching AAPI history a mandate,
with many other states and municipalities to follow. We appreciate that some
teachers in our district have already started to incorporate AAPI history in their
curriculum. We understand that it will require a tremendous amount of work to
implement the Teach AAPI history policy at all buildings. However, we strongly
urge our school district to pass a Teach AAPI history policy and once again lead
the progress and be the standard-bearer for all school districts on Long Island.
Thank You!
Best Regards,
GNCA Board of Directors"
One more thing to keep in mind: as 1st Gen Asian we grown up as majority before came the states, psychologically we are much stronger, we are still calling the other groups 外国人. LOL most time 对于热情于俺的外国人or 冷落于俺的外国人,听之任之,基本无感,何况我们有自己的community 一起玩。








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