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旧金山欠华人 -市长的话

已有 1045 次阅读2023-2-22 14:13 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

Joseph Alioto.jpg
Joseph L. Alioto (1916-1998)

The City's debt to its Chinese  Joseph L .Alioto

I sometimes wonder if San Franciscans appreciate how much they owe to the Chinese and to Chinatown for the social stability of The City in recent years.

During the rough period of the urban crisis in America the late 60s. when one major American city after another was torn apart and transformed by racial revolution and physical deterioration. The Chinese in San Francisco were a leading factor in preserving the values of The City while it accommodated dramatic change. They didn't run anywhere, they stayed put, and expanded their communities throughout The City.

The Chinese children became and remain the highest achievers in the public school system: civil service examinations for the best positions are dominated by the Chinese on bidding for lucrative municipal contracts Chinese businessmen and their  competent Chinese professional advisers assumed conspicuous roles: and their ownership of residential properties throughout San Francisco grows remarkably.

Jade Snow Wong ( such a name!) the remarkable and lovely San Francisco woman. may weil have spun the classic story for future generations of what Chinatown was all about in her widely read “Fifth Chinese Daughter published and translated into many foreign languages.

Early in my term as mayor l tried to appoint her to the San Francisco Board of Education at a time when I thought the Chinese community was headed for a tough confrontation on the issue of busing their elementary school children out of Chinatown. Her intense work as a first-rate artist as well as writer and her preoccupation with rearing her four fine young children led her to decline but listened to her closely on the subject of educating children.

The Chinese of our day have integrated into every phase of The City's life. but they insist that they have a right to give their children the values inherent in their Chinese traditions; and furthermore, that our own visions are enhanced by the ability to share in a multi cultured society. They struggled with court-ordered busing and were successful on appeal to a higher federal court in demonstrating that it was founded on judicial error: but even before this reversal they had largely won their point by tactics which insured that their view with little children would prevail.

There was special pride when the touring Chinese Archeological Finds broke all records in San Francisco And the Chinese New Year Celebration has come as close to achieving "Mardi Gras" status as anything in the country.

A far cry from a fabled Dennis Kearney who ran for mayor of San Francisco on a platform which said simply "The Chinese Must Go" Or when Go Leland Stanford issued a proclamation that the presence of the Chinese " degraded and distinct people that they were. could not but exert a " deleterious influence upon the superior race. And even Mayor James Phelan one of the best in our history.(1897-1902) per-mitted himself to speak in like tenor in testimony before Congress urging restrictive anti-Chinese legislation.

The  Chinese came with the cry that Gold had been discovered in California. The gold is gone but the Chinese remain in San Francisco and thank God for that. But for their ability to stay put and expand and to insist on contributing their own values to our society, The City would have suffered the racial unbalance that continues to plague many of the eastern cities. Al this and the color and glamor the Chinese  add to the lustre of San Francisco.









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