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分享 Manhattan Dutch Heritage
MingHao 2023-12-1 12:46
https://historichousetrust.org/visit/dutch-heritage-trail/ https://historichousetrust.org/visit/dutch-heritage-trail/ https://historichousetrust.org/houses/wyckoff-house-museum/
584 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 St Pauls Church , NY harbor 12
MingHao 2023-12-1 12:42
https://www.nps.gov/npnh/planyourvisit/directions.htm https://www.nps.gov/sapa/index.htm Directions to: African Burial Ground | Castle Clinton | Federal Hall | Lower East Side Tenement Museum | Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace ...
579 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美国历史上著名建筑师,设计师
MingHao 2023-12-1 11:09
LEnfant 法国人设计 DC马路 Frederick Law Olmsted 中央公园 MMW 哈佛大门 https://www.nicholshousemuseum.org/ https://www.bostonmagazine.com/property/2018/08/02/house-museums-boston/ Otis https://www.historicnewengland.org/visit/book-a-private-tour/otis ...
485 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Hesse 德国发源
MingHao 2023-12-1 10:48
Hessian mercenaries during the Revolutionary War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Hesse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesse
478 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 曼哈顿最古老农庄,和最古老的大宅
MingHao 2023-12-1 08:26
游览曼哈顿,往往被五光十色现代建筑赞叹。其实,纽约还有很多历史古宅很值得游览。这些古宅有的归“ 纽约市古宅信托管理会 ” 有的归“国家公园管理局” https://historichousetrust.org/houses/morris-jumel-mansion-museum/ Gracie Mansion Tour https://www.graciemansion.org/booking-calendar/public-to ...
476 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 1926 Voting Registry Reveals Even More History
MingHao 2023-11-30 22:53
449 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 统一医学搞清楚经络的结构了吗?
稻草 2023-11-30 18:38
  统一医学搞清楚经络的结构了吗?搞清楚了基本结构。统一医学对经络进行了研究,发现经络有自身的相对独立的结构,它能够离开人体活动,又具有自身的结构,它有许多暗物质的功能结构体,同时遵循十二系统的逻辑规律,具有系统性的十二系统阴阳结构。 凯小晴 - 单身山歌 (女声版).mp3 ...
876 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Morris Jumel Mansion
MingHao 2023-11-30 12:15
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/self-guided-interior-tour-tickets-119292177113?aff=ebdsoporgprofile https://morrisjumel.org/ 英国军官罗杰·莫里斯 (Roger Morris) 于 1765 年建造,也是 19 世纪社交名流伊丽莎·朱梅尔 (Eliza Jumel) 家族的住所 NYC has it https://historichousetrust.org/houses/ ...
525 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Saint Croix Island
MingHao 2023-11-30 12:11
The Beginning of a Permanent European Presence in Northern North America The winter of 1604-1605 on Saint Croix Island was a cruel one for Pierre Dugua's French expedition. Iced in by freezing temperatures and cut off from fresh water and game, 35 of 79 men died. As spring arrived and native peop ...
424 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Augustus Saint-Gaudens
MingHao 2023-11-30 12:03
https://www.nps.gov/saga/index.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustus_Saint-Gaudens
450 次阅读|0 个评论


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